The Dutch royal family on the bike
Published on by Hilary Staples
Holland is a cycling nation. The young and the old, the rich and the poor, everybody takes to the bike - even the Dutch royal family!
The Dutch & their bikes photo book
Published on by Hilary Staples
The Dutch and their bicycles, they’re pretty legendary. In her new photo book The Dutch & Their Bikes, US photographer and author Shirley Agudo gives us a glimpse of Holland's unique cycling culture.
Biking for business - Part 2
Published on by Hilary Staples
On 12 and 13 April we visited the International Cargo Bike Festival in Nijmegen. Here we found out more about the business and fun side of the cargo bike.
Biking for business
Published on by Hilary Staples
The International Cargo Bike Festival which took place in Nijmegen on 12 and 13 April was a great success. It attracted visitors from 25 countries.
International Cargo Bike Festival 2014
Published on by Hilary Staples
On 12 and 13 April the third International Cargo Bike Festival will take place in Nijmegen. It’s is the biggest platform for cargo bikes and cycle logistics in the world.
Walking the dog the Dutch way
Published on by Hilary Staples
The Dutch use their bicycles for almost anything: commuting to work, getting their daily shopping, they even ‘walk’ the dog by bike.
The tulips are early this year
Published on by Hilary Staples
Spring has come exceptionally early this year, confusing Mother Nature. So if you want to try out one of our spring cycle routes, don't leave it too late.
High speed on cycle paths, part 3
Published on by Hilary Staples
Is the high-speed pedelec a threat or opportunity? The Dutch Cyclists' Union put this question to cyclists in January. In part 3 of our series High speed on cycle paths we look at the heated debate this triggered.
Previous articles:
High speed on cycle paths, part 2
High speed on cycle paths, part 1
The bike light vending machine
Cycling through a Van Gogh painting
Bicycle helmet - compulsory or not?
Tour de France 2015 to start in Utrecht
Campaign against smartphones on bike
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