Problems around bicycle parking continue to make the headlines in the Dutch media. The bike has become so popular that there are not enough bike parking spaces to go round, especially in the big cities. To cater for the growing number of bikes in the city centre, Utrecht has started the building of the world's largest bike parking facility. It's to have the capacity for 12,500 bikes!

Just to give you an idea, the two-storey bicycle flat outside Amsterdam Central train station - now one of the city's many tourist attractions - has room for 2500 bikes and is already too small. The new bicycle parking facility in Utrecht is to have five times as many spaces. Hopefully this will be enough!
Visitors coming to Utrecht next year for the Grand Départ 2015 won't yet be able to admire the world's largest bike parking facility as the first part of the building project is scheduled to be completed in 2016. The whole project will not be finished until 2018. To give you an impression of what it will look like once it's ready, we would like to share this video with you.